Sold 9-11 Victoria Street, Trentham

9-11 Victoria Street, Trentham

Private Sale - Sold on May 12, 2016


bed 3 bed 1 bed 2

  • Carole Lenander

    Partner & Senior Sales Consultant

A piece of Trentham history

Built in the 1920's for the Trewhella family, one of Trentham's early settlers and the town's largest employer through the early-mid 1900's. Their inventions include the Monkey & Wallaby Jack which took the town to the world stage with an office in London, which is still operating today.

Having undergone renovation and extension over the past 30 years with the current owners, it is sited on a

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Trentham District Primary School

8 Bridge St Trentham


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South Bullarto Road Rmb 4691 Bullarto


The floorplan, measurements of rooms and land size are approximate. Jellis Craig does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracy in any plan, drawing or rendering used in the advertising material to describe the land and/or the property and/or any described features.
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