Sold 57 Atkinson Street, Templestowe

57 Atkinson Street, Templestowe

Private Sale - Sold on Aug 14, 2019


bed 5 bed 3 bed 3

  • Oliver Hu

    Sales Consultant

Often dreamt of – seldomly achieved

Comprising 5 bedrooms, master with deluxe en-suite, 3 bathrooms, study, both formal and informal living zones, the kitchen which overlooks the sparkling IG pool and the entertainers rear deck is a sight to behold. Completing the package is a triple lock-up garage which gives direct access into your new home. Be quick before it’s a dream again…


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  • Victorian auction clearance rate


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The floorplan, measurements of rooms and land size are approximate. Jellis Craig does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracy in any plan, drawing or rendering used in the advertising material to describe the land and/or the property and/or any described features.
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