Private Sale - Sold on Mar 25, 2021
Executive style, off the plan opportunity
Superbly located within minutes of Finns Reserve, Templestowe Village and the Eastern freeway, this is a significant opportunity to choose 1 of 3 brand new, dual level, executive off the plan homes that balance lifestyle desires with working needs. Expertly crafted by M Group Property, three distinct floorplans are presented with the choice of street frontage and a private driveway or the privacy
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26-44 Herlihys Road Templestowe Lower
Templestowe Heights Primary School
High Street Templestowe Lower
Templestowe Valley Primary School
15 Birchwood Avenue Lower Templestowe
Cypress Avenue Templestowe Lower
Templestowe Park Primary School
399 Church Road Templestowe
St Gregory the Great School
396 Manningham Road Doncaster
St Clement of Rome School
St Charles Borromeo School
222 Serpells Road Templestowe
2-12 Council Street Doncaster
Doncaster Secondary College
123 Church Road Doncaster
Doncaster Gardens Primary School
Sandhurst Avenue Doncaster East
Heyington Avenue Doncaster
Lower Plenty Primary School
126-146 Main Road Lower Plenty
Montmorency South Primary School
64 Buena Vista Drive Montmorency
36 Sweyn Street Balwyn North
20 Highview Road Balwyn North
East Doncaster Secondary College
20 George St Doncaster East
Boroondara Park Primary School
Almond Street Balwyn North
16 Beverley Street Doncaster East
Box Hill North Primary School
Elizabeth Street Box Hill North
Our Lady of Mercy College
52 Cape Street Heidelberg
Montmorency Primary School
Heidelberg Primary School
St Martin of Tours School
The floorplan, measurements of rooms and land size are approximate. Jellis Craig does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracy in any plan, drawing or rendering used in the advertising material to describe the land and/or the property and/or any described features.