Barwon Heads
Suburb Insights - Data that shapes your suburb perspective.

Property prices
See the median sale price breakdown of Barwon Heads over the last 5 years.
Median house price
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Median unit price
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Quarterly price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Houses Units
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Choose your property type below to find out the median price and recent comparable sales in your suburb.
Property Type
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Recent sales
Surrounding suburbs
Compare how your suburb is performing compared to its 10 closest neighbours.
Sales snapshot
Key insights to the property market within your suburb.
Sale method
* Updated daily for the past 12 months
Median days on market
* Updated daily for the past quarter
172 days
Average hold period
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
5.3 years
Investor insight
Explore key demographics and investor insights including median asking rent and ownership statistics within your suburb.
Dwelling type
* 2021 Australian Census
Houses 91% Units 9%
* 2021 Australian Census
Population growth
* 2021 Australian Census
Median age
* 2021 Australian Census
46 years
* 2021 Australian Census
Owned Outright 51% Mortgaged 37% Rented 12%
Median asking rent per week
* Updated quarterly for
the past 12 months
Rental yield
* Updated quarterly
for the past 12 months
Median household size
* 2021 Australian Census
2.5 people
Sold properties
Interested in what other properties have sold within your suburb? Discover the last 12 months of sales in your area below.
Address | Bedrooms | Type | Price | Sold |
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