Property prices
See the median sale price breakdown of Ascot Vale over the last 5 years.
Median house price
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Median unit price
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Quarterly price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Houses Units
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Property Type
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Price change
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
Recent sales
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Sales snapshot
Key insights to the property market within your suburb.
Sale method
* Updated daily for the past 12 months
Auction clearance rate
* Updated daily for the past quarter
Median days on market
* Updated daily for the past quarter
25 days
Average hold period
* Updated quarterly for the past 12 months
6.5 years
Investor insight
Explore key demographics and investor insights including median asking rent and ownership statistics within your suburb.
Dwelling type
* 2021 Australian Census
Houses 46% Units 54%
* 2021 Australian Census
Population growth
* 2021 Australian Census
Median age
* 2021 Australian Census
37 years
* 2021 Australian Census
Owned Outright 29% Mortgaged 35% Rented 35%
Median asking rent per week
* Updated quarterly for
the past 12 months
Rental yield
* Updated quarterly
for the past 12 months
Median household size
* 2021 Australian Census
2.4 people
Sold properties
Interested in what other properties have sold within your suburb? Discover the last 12 months of sales in your area below.

Address | Bedrooms | Type | Price | Sold |
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