Staying ahead of the market whilst restrictions are in place
Following on from recent announcements about the easing of certain restrictions, we wanted to highlight our ability to present and sell your property to an eager buyer pool ahead of the rest of the market.
In the recent announcements about the impending easing of restrictions, the Government stated that private inspections of unoccupied properties could occur once the state is at a 70% first-dose vaccination rate, which at this stage is forecast for 23rd September 2021 or slightly earlier. Whilst we are still awaiting further clarity on what this will specifically mean for our industry, this is no doubt a positive sign, making now a great time to start talking about listing your property virtually ahead of the run post-lockdown.
It has been fascinating to see our sales teams transform from traditional 4-week listing campaigns, to now marketing and selling virtually. Our sales teams can hold a virtual property appraisal with you and talk you through how we can still list and successfully sell your property. From supporting you with styling tips and taking your own photos, to guiding you through conducting inspections that showcase your property in the best light and ultimately transacting through a virtual sales process. If we can commence this process with you, it will ensure you are in the best position to capitalise on the strong market as restrictions begin to ease. Find out more about how we prepare a property for sale virtually here.
With a reduced level of stock available to eager buyers, an easing of restrictions in sight and our ability to market your home to a large pool of potential purchasers, now is the time to get ahead of the market and list your property.
Contact us today to find out more about selling during lockdown.