In Focus

Leading online innovation in the real estate industry

Christian Marotta

Christian Marotta

October 2015

State of the art property videos

Jellis Craig senior sales consultant and auctioneer Simon Shrimpton is leading the way in the online world of real estate, recently being acknowledged for his state of the art auction video.

Using a mix of live drone footage and standard footage of the auction at 344 Cardigan Street, Carlton, Simon has created a very unique insight into the way he runs an auction.

To Simon, the use of a drone in producing an outstanding auction video seemed like an obvious tool.

“It just seemed strange that we’re using drones day-in and day-out for our property videos, yet we hadn’t used it for an auction”

Simon looks forward to sharing this video with his clients as he feels it gives them an insight into the way in which he works.

“The video is able to give my clients and potential clients, an idea of my auction skills as well as my personality, not to mention the high quality productions we can put together to market a property”

View the video here.

Social media marketing and your property

Click here to follow us on the new Jellis Craig Inner North Facebook page for specific content and insight.

For those selling and leasing homes in the inner city and inner north of Melbourne, it is important to be reaching as many people as possible. And, with the growing popularity of social media, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram are now key communication tools.
Recently a number of Jellis Craig Inner North Facebook posts have reached in excess of 1,000 people and generated high level engagement with a large number of likes and comments. In September the Jellis Craig Inner North Market Report video reached over 8,000 people through Facebook.

Jellis Craig’s Instagram is ranked second in the country for the real estate industry, leading the way in Victoria with over 3,000 followers. Posts regarding inner north property are amongst the most popular for the Jellis Craig network, frequently receiving between 50 and 200 likes and extensive reach.

In the last month, the two most popular videos on Jellis Craig’s YouTube channel, were produced by the Clifton Hill office, and seven out of the top ten were from the Inner North office network.

344 Cardigan Street, Carlton
11/156 Rose Street, Fitzroy
14 Myross Avenue, Ascot Vale

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