Heidelberg West is located 11 km north-east of the CBD. Situated on the eastern side of Darebin Creek Heidelberg West is primarily a residential suburb located in Melbourne's north-east. The northern parts of the suburb form a small industrial precinct and a large proportion (26%) of Heidelberg West's workforce is employed in the manufacturing sector. The suburb also features the Darebin Creek Forest Park Olympic Park and the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE - Bell Campus.

Offices servicing Heidelberg West

Your Heidelberg West real estate experts

The Jellis Craig Heidelberg West real estate team are trusted and highly experienced sales agents that have a reputation for achieving exceptional results for buyers, sellers, and investors. If you are looking to buy, sell or lease a property in Heidelberg West, we can provide you with expert advice and assist you in achieving your property goals.

If you are considering selling, your first question would be “What is my home worth?”. The Jellis Craig Heidelberg West specialists, have an in-depth knowledge of the suburb and trends that affect property values in Heidelberg West. Your team of local are experts can provide you with an estimate of the value of your property by conducting a property appraisal.

Our Heidelberg West team also has an expert Property Management division that specialises in leasing property in Heidelberg West quickly and to high quality tenants. If you would like to know the rental return that you can expect on your property as a landlord, we can also provide you with a rental appraisal and assist you in finding the ideal tenant.

View current properties for sale in Heidelberg West and browse recent sold results to see what houses in Heidelberg West are selling for. If you would like to know more about buying, selling, and leasing, or would like to know the value of your property in the current market, contact our Heidelberg West experts today.

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Recently sold in Heidelberg West

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Heidelberg West sales snapshot

Key facts and figures to know before selling

Sales snapshot

Sale method Info * Updated daily for the past 12 months

Auction clearance rate Info * Updated daily for the past quarter


Median days on market Info * Updated daily for the past quarter

49 days

Average hold period Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months

5.3 years

Property prices

Median house price

Median Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months


Quarterly price change Price change Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months


Median unit price

Median Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months


Quarterly price change Price change Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months


Quarterly price change Info * Updated quarterly for the past 12 months

Houses    Units

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Suburb Reports


Suburb Reports

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A reliable snapshot of the property market in Heidelberg West.

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Property listings

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St Pius X School

431 Waterdale Road Heidelberg West


Charles La Trobe College (interim name)

230 Banksia Street Bellfield


Austin Hospital School

145 Studley Road Heidelberg


Heidelberg Primary School

Cape Street Heidelberg


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Agents servicing Heidelberg West

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